Cabin fever. It's here in a real way. It showed up over the weekend and grabbed us in it's nasty talons of irritation. I'm pretty sure that it is compounded by the mere fact that we really should have been moving this weekend instead of sitting on our thumbs.
Normally, when cabin fever hits we have a back up plan. I can do something creative like sewing, arts & crafts or baking. Mostly though, due to everyone having the same syndrome, we play a ton of cards.
Guess what? All the cards, board games, art supplies, crafts, baking supplies, winter sports equipment (sleds, tubes, sleigh, skis) are all packed away. There is absolutely nothing to do. Oh, and before you suggest that perhaps we watch TV, we haven't owned one in about 8 or 9 years.
All my journals, diaries, magazines, books are packed.
What a difficult place to be!
For those of you who are in a geographic area where you are snowed in often or it's simply too cold to get out, I suggest the following games to pass the time!
All of these are family favorites that we can literally spend hours and hours passing the cold January nights at home. We also like the classic Yahtzee game but after a while the tapping of the dice can get a little irritating.
We should know soon when our closing date was moved to.
Learning that patience is a virtue.
Until then, I'm texting the neighbor to see if she has some cards we can borrow!
UNO, SkipBo & Phase 10 are some of our favorites too.