After living in my "New Bride" home and raising my family here over the last twenty years, we are moving.
There. Now that wasn't too long, was it?
I have a great love for reading and researching. For years I have been pinning posts, reading articles, writing down little bits of smart information. I finally am getting a chance to see these all in motion. The following is a short list of really important things I have learned and used. They are in no particular order.
- Start purging early. If you have lived in a place for even a couple of years, you are really going to want to unload as much as you can early in the game. We literally have been purging for more than a year.
- Pack "like" things together. Don't just fill a box with random items. I can't imagine anything worse than finding the hairdryer packed in with the baking stones and spices.
- Label those boxes like crazy. I actually made a three part no fail system. Boxes have a number, the contents of the box written on the box itself, and a colored tag taped to each box. I keep a master list of the numbered boxes and what the contents are and room they came out of or belong to. During the moving process, I will put up colored papers that coordinate to the boxes. Each room has it's own color. Example would be every blue sticker goes to the nursery and a blue sign gets taped to the nursery door.
- You only need a fraction of what you think you need. Each week, take yet another look at the things still laying out. Can any of it be packed away?
- Use small and medium sized boxes. We have been picking up free oil boxes from our local auto parts store. They are heavy duty, and even if I pack it full of books, an average person can haul it with no strain. Because they are all relatively the same size, it makes for easy stacking.
- Sell what you can on local swap sites. Better to have a little money in your pocket than an item you don't truly love.
- Use paper plates, spoons and cups the final week or two. It's okay. You are not a bad person for taking the easy route. You've got enough on your plate to deal with.
- Give everyone an overnight bag or suit case. This suggestion came from a couple of friends. I was just going to use a storage tub. However, the suitcases have to be moved anyway and it makes it seem more like an easy transition. Start living out of them two weeks before your move date.
- Gather a first aid kit. Murphy will happen if you don't. Band-aids, neosporin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, allergy medicine, contact solution, thermometer, ace wrap, medical tape, sterile gloves, cough medicine, and anything else that your family or helpers might need.Make sure this is one of the first things moved to your new location or keep it on hand.
- Gather a first day/night box. Think about toilet paper, paper towels, toiletries, soap, shower towels and washrags.
- Cleaning box for BOTH locations: Garbage bags, paper towels, rags, cleaning products, broom, mops, vacuum, ziploc baggies.
- Have tools available. Wrenches, hammers, pliers, duct tape, zipties, screw drivers and box knife.
- Lay old carpet, plastic or tarps down to protect your carpet. No one is willing to take off their shoes at the door when carrying box after box.
- Have a plan to feed your help. Pizza, soda, bottled water, chips, fresh fruit, cookies... do what it takes to keep them high energy.
- Have coolers available to move your food. We have two deep freezers, a fridge and a freezer in the fridge. We are eating as much as we can out of it before the move but realistically we will move a great deal of food stuff. Coolers will keep cold things cold until we can get to them.
- Enlist the help of your friends. Make it a family event. Many hands make light work. I am sure over the years you have helped others move. Beg and plead if you must.
- Get childcare! Transition is hard, even harder with a fussy baby or toddler. Enlist in a family member or friend that you trust. Have them do their best to keep with your child's normal schedule.
- Be ready to move. You absolutely do not want people waiting around for you to finish packing boxes or helping you pack! You will never find anything. When the trucks show up, you need to be available to direct traffic, answer questions and move belongings.
- Try to deep clean each area as you are packing. This allows you to go over it quickly during the final move out and focus your energies in your new home.
- Pray! Take time to pray with your family before, during and after. A family that pray's together, stays together.
These are great tips! We try to purge once a year and if we can't sell items within 1 week of posting on the swap sites, we put them in a bag to donate!