A while back I think God was preparing me for the journey I was about to embark on. Hindsight being 20/20, I think I can say that with some confidence.
A couple weeks before Christmas of last year I was constantly being prompted to make some time in my busy schedule to take charge of my life and my activities. Mostly, the kids' activities.
Along comes a sweet little website called the Flylady. The day after Christmas I dedicated my life to becoming a flybaby. Now, before you get the idea in your head that I was some kind of compulsive hoarder please understand, I am naturally an organized person. Yet some way, some how, the burdens of this life had become too much and I was spiraling out of control. In fact, I was getting so desperate I was willing to try anything.
So 15 minutes at a time sounded reasonable. After all, I seldom had more than 15 minutes of free time in my day. This proved to be a perfect solution for me. I immediately ran off to Target to get a kitchen timer.
With in 2 weeks I felt I was back in control of my house. My schedule actually had more than 15 minutes in it when I took ownership of my time and started saying "no". When I came across a little saying, I knew immediately I had to put it up on my 8 foot dry erase board as a reminder. "Stop saying yes to what God is saying no to". Surprisingly enough, it became easier as the weeks went by.
So here I am on this cloud of reclaiming some sort of normal and less confused life when out of nowhere my son gets sick and we end up being hospitalized (I will at some point share this very tragic story). Talk about a screeching halt! LIFE STOPPED. The day before we began our hospital journey I mentioned to a friend that if one more thing was added to my plate, my house of cards would collapse. And it did. Quickly.
Here is really where the rubber meets the road. Ever tried to run your household for over a month when you don't dare leave your son's side? Ever try to run a business when you can't think of anything more than if your son will live through that day? How about educating your home schooled children? Sports events? Team mom responsibilities? Tutoring? Carpooling? Even the act of paying bills completely stressed me out.
Good thing the Lumber Jack was a solid rock for me. How he held us together is way beyond my comprehension. One thing I can tell you though, is that because I spent 15 minutes at a time, several times everyday, we were able to function with only the stress from our son's health crisis.
I realized then just how important what I had committed myself to doing was for my family.
Now, after coming through this crisis I am in "make up" mode. That means I almost get to start from scratch again.
Welcome to my journey. Since you are new too, won't you follow along with me and both of us can reclaim some ground? Do you have a sincere desire to do everything in your life excellently? Is there something deep within you that says you can have an orderly life that is well pleasing to your help mate and family? If you are brave enough to just try 15 minutes at a time, I promise you that it will be worth every minute!
Welcome to my journey~
Loved this! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI love doing things 15 minutes at a time. I just need to get back to doing it again. :) Looking forward to reading more!
ReplyDeleteOh Mama, you have no idea how much I needed to read this blog tonight. Your post has me in tears, not only because you and your family went through so much when N was ill, but because your life resembled the chaos which I'm faced with now. God bless you for sharing your journey with me. You are an inspirational mother, wife and friend.